Abstract :
Aims and Objective: To compare the reliability and degree of acceptability of manual reticulocyte count over automated method in Tertiary Care Hospital
Background : Reticulocytes are precursory to erythrocyte cells released from bone marrow into the blood and their evaluation is helpful in early diagnosis as well as therapeutic monitoring of anemic patients. Reticulocyte count is a rapid and basic hematological test that measures the erythropoietic activity within the bone marrow.
Materials and Methods: An analytical and observational hospital-based study was conducted on all EDTA blood samples received for reticulocyte count by both manual and automated methods. A comparison of both methodologies was done.
Results: An evaluation of 230 blood samples was conducted and it showed a strong correlation between both methodologies with a p-value more than 0.05.
Conclusion: The study suggests that the manual method for reticulocyte count is as reliable as an automated method. Its cost-effectiveness and reliability are useful in small urban laboratories and also in remote rural areas for early diagnosis as well as treatment of anemia.
Keyword :
Reticulocyte count, Supravital dye, Manual method