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Original Article

Author :

Dr. Uzma DM Rajar, Prof: Dr. Rashid Memon, Prof: Dr. Navaid Kazi, Dr. Shamsuddin Solangi, Dr. Bibi Sarah Pandhiani , And Dr. Joti Bai

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Objectives: To compare clinical presentation and histopathological features of melasma with other hyperpigmentary disorders of skin Study design: Prospective, observational study Place and duration of study: outpatient department of Dermatology and Pathology Department, Isra University Hospital Hyderabad from July 2014 - December 2014 Subjects and Methods: Total 87 subjects were selected, 43 having melasma and 44 were with other skin hyperpigmentary disorders. Detailed clinical examination was performed prior to the biopsy to mark the biopsy site. A single strand or in some cases >one punch biopsies of skin were obtained and sent for histopathological evaluation. All the clinical and histological data was entered in Proforma. Results: Mean age of study subjects was 39.51± 9.32 and 39.50± 9.21 years in melasma and other skin hyperpigmentary disorders respectively. Female population predominated in the present study 49(56.3%) were female. Common presenting features were the hyperpigmentation, skin peeling, itching, erythema and telangiectasia. Hyperpigmentation, itching and erythema were the common presenting complaints. Telangiectasia was noted in 3 male in melasma and 1 female in other skin hyperpigmentary disorders. Of 43 melasma patients (Group A), the hyperkeratosis was noted in 3 male patients only (X 2=48, p=0.0001). Parakeratosis and acanthosis were noted in female melasma patients. While hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis and acanthosis were noted in female as well as in male patients of other hyperpigmentary disorders (Group B) (X 2=38, p=0.0001). Conclusion: Common presenting features were the hyperpigmentation, skin peeling, itching, erythema and telangiectasia in melasma and other hyperpigmentary lesions. Hyperpigmentation, itching and erythema were the common presenting complaints. Telangiectasia was also noted. Histopathological findings suggested no major differences in the melasma and other hyperpigmentary disorders. Keywords: Melasma Hyperpigmentary skin lesions Histopathological examination

Keyword :

Melasma Hyperpigmentary skin lesions Histopathological examination
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