Author :
Shalaka S Prabhu, Sachin A Patharkar, Neelam J Patil, Jalinder B Sanap, Kalpana U Shinde, Rupa R Dalvi, Alka V Nerurkar*
Volume :
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Abstract :
Background: Malaria is parasitic disease of humans caused by parasitic protozoan and genus plasmodium, widely present in tropical region. In the blood, the parasite travel to the liver to mature and reproduce. Oxidative stress is generated through the invasion of malarial parasites in human system. Malondialdehyde is a highly reactive compound is assayed in vivo as a biomarker of oxidative stress. Uric acid contributes to the pathology of human malaria by stimulating the production of cytokines from immune system.
Aim: To estimate serum MDA & serum uric acid levels in patients with malarial infection and compare same with healthy individuals.
Settings and Design: This is a cross-sectional observational study, cases and controls were selected using random sampling method, attending hospital OPD.
Materials and Methods: Study includes 50 laboratory diagnosed cases of malaria patients with equal age and sex matched controls. MDA was estimated using MDA - thiobarbituric acid method, uric acid was estimated by phosphotungstic acid method. Standardization of both the methods was carried out prior to experiment.
Results: There is generalized increase in serum MDA and uric acid levels in cases as compared to the control group.
Keyword :
Malaria, Malonaldehyde (MDA), Uric acid.