Serum magnesium and zinc levels- A predictor of cardiovascular risk in hemodialysis patients

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Muruganantham B, Harissh Ganesan, Gunavathi G*, Manasha Devi

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Background: Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of mortality in haemodialysis patients. Several studies have demonstrated the relation of zinc and magnesium in cardiovascular disease. In present study we aimed to measure serum zinc and magnesium levels and correlate with the Framingham score to calculate the cardiovascular risk. Materials and Methods: Present study was prospective, cross sectional type, conducted in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing haemodialysis.Serum magnesium, zinc, cholesterol, urea, creatinine, HDL cholesterol, systolic BP are measured and Framingham score was calculated. And zinc and magnesium values were correlated with Framingham score. Results: The study is conducted in 100 CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis. Out of 100 CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis, 59% had high risk,28% had intermediate risk, and 13% had low risk of developing cardiovascular disease according to their Framingham risk score. In these patients, zinc and magnesium levels were found and correlated with Framingham risk score. Out of 100 patients undergoing hemodialysis, 37 patients were hypomagnesemic, 43 patients were normomagnesemic, 20 patients were hypermagnesemic. In this, a positive correlation was found between development of hypomagnesemia and duration of hemodialysis. Magnesium level was correlated with Framingham risk score. In this hypomagnesemic patients, 67% patients have low risk, 8% have intermediate risk, 24% patients have high risk of developing heart disease. Out of 100 patients, 86 patients have normal zinc level, 14 patients have increased zinc level. Zinc levels was not altered during dialysis. These patients already have risk of developing heart disease independent of zinc level. Conclusion: In our study, magnesium level of haemodialysis patients was reduced and it is associated with duration of haemodialysis. Zinc levels were not altered in the patients.  

Keyword :

Cardiovascular disease, Dialysis patients, Framingham risk score, Magnesium, Zinc.