Zing thing about zinc: A mini review

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Article type :

Review Article

Author :

Rashmi R N, Venkatesha, Wilma Delphine Silvia CR*

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Zinc is a micromineral present in the body tissues and fluids. Zinc is absorbed from the duodenum and stored in the form of metallothionine in the liver and excreted through sweat. Zinc plays a vital role in protein biosynthesis, gene expression; it also acts as an antioxidant and is used in the growth of the fungus. Due to the deficiency of zinc, a patient will be suffering from poor wound healing, lesions of skin, impaired spermatogenesis, hyperkeratosis, dermatitis and alopecia.An unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic caused by a novel corona virus called SARS-CoV-2, produces severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Zinc is used to treat COVID 19 because it improves the immunity. As the COVID patients are susceptible to zinc deficiency, they are prescribed with zinc supplements. Intake of zinc more than1000mg/day causes Zinc toxicity. Fungus utilises zinc for its growth. Mucormycosis caused by fungus Rhizopus species seen in most of the post COVID patients. Since, Zinc has assumed importance in this COVID 19 pandemic, this review article unfathoms the explicit roles of Zinc in humans.  

Keyword :

COVID 19, Mucormycosis, Zinc, Zinc toxicity.