Occupational Health and Safety in Healthcare Settings – Effect of Training on the Knowledge of Resident Doctors

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Jugal Kishore, Rupsa Banerjee, Ashish Mittal

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Background: Over the past years several diseases and disorders associated with different kinds of occupations have been identified, including healthcare. It is important for medical personnel especially resident doctors to have adequate knowledge of occupational health and safety and prevention of occupational hazards. Objective: To assess the knowledge among resident doctors regarding occupational health and safety in healthcare settings, and the effect of training on the same. Methodology: A before and after intervention study without control was done among a group of resident doctors of a medical college in Delhi. Training on occupational health and safety was given to the study participants in the form of a two-day workshop. Pre- and post-test questionnaires filled by the participants were scored and the mean scores were compared and tested for statistically significant difference using Mann Whitney U test. Results: The study was done on 17 post-graduate resident doctors. The mean post test score was higher than the mean pre-test score and the difference was statistically significant at p

Keyword :

Occupational hazards, Medical professionals, Training
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