Social Municipality Practises: The Sample of Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Adnan Küçükali,Zeynep Gülbeyen

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Every country that has a modern understanding of the state considers it among its basic duties to prepare the legal ground necessary for municipalities, which are local government units, to provide social municipality services. In this direction, municipalities are held responsible for implementing social assistance and many different services, especially for citizens living within their areas of responsibility, and for implementing policies that increase the quality of life in their regions. In this first part, the definition of social municipality, its function and development processes and practices in Turkey are emphasized. In the field service of the research, the main trainees of the Art and Vocational Training Courses (ESMEK) serving in Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality were examined from the practice regarding the social municipality practices. Achieving the goals achieved is at a higher level than the skills and training services for employment. It is because the students benefit from the aims and trainings for benefiting from these trainings.

Keyword :

Social Municipalism, Social Politica, Erzurum metropolitan municipality
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