Comparative legal analysis of the European and American standard of freedom of expression

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Kalenike Uridia

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Freedom of expression is critical for a state with democratic principles. A democratic society cannot exist in the absence of freedom of expression. A high quality of freedom of speech, sanctioned by statute and executed, is required for a person to voice his critical view about current events in the country without interference from the authorities. The purpose of this study is to focus on freedom of expression as one of the most important democratic values in the world. The paper discusses and analyzes the European Court of Human Rights practice in relation to freedom of expression. It is well known that the European Court of Human Rights grants signatory nations broad discretion in determining the level of interference with freedom of speech. The paper critically assessing the component of broad discretion that it grants to the Conventions signatory states. Parallel to the analysis, precedent law from the United States of America and the American model of freedom of expression are explored, which are also critically evaluated. Parallel to the consideration of the two most essential standards, emphasis is placed on the Georgian model of free expression, which indicates the works worth. Following the adoption of the American model of free speech at the legislative level in Georgia, the evaluation, analysis, and dissemination of full information to the public will be of the highest relevance and value. Finally, after the debate and analysis generated throughout the work, the essential discoveries are stated, and the authors viewpoint is stated.

Keyword :

Freedom of expression, American standard, European Court of Human Rights standard, Georgian standard
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