Socket shield technique with immediate and delayed loading method: Case reports

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Article type :

Case Series

Author :

Oliver Jacob, Anita Kapri, Priyavrat Soni, Varun Rana, Saurabh Arya, Pradeepthi Kotla

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Immediate implant placement is becoming a routine procedure in esthetic dentistry. The need for placing implant immediately post extraction helps reduce the alveolar ridge resorption and also maintain good soft tissue contours post placing the implant and during rehabilitation. However, a cause of concern occurs when the buccal cortical plate is thin, especially in the upper anterior region. This poses a direct implication in the maintenance of primary stability and buccal contour of both hard and soft tissues, thus compromising esthetics. Socket shield technique is a recent advancement in placing immediate implant post extraction. The maintenance of buccal root section helps retain both the compromised buccal cortical plate and soft tissue contour thus providing a better esthetic profile. In view of the same, two patients were provided immediate implants with socket shield technique; one with immediate loading of implant and other with delayed loading method and post operative radiographic analysis was carried out to evaluate bone density around the implant.

Keyword :

Socket­shield technique, Root Membrane Technique, Immediate Implants, Immediate loading, Delayed loading
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