Bomb explosions fatalities in civilian area: Two unusual cases

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Article type :

Case Report

Author :

Pratik R. Varu, Mahesh M Trangadia, Hetal C. Kyada, Sarthak Hitesh Dhruv

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

While bomb blasts are often associated with wars and terrorism in military and terrorism-prone areas, these events are incredibly rare in other civilian areas. Consequently, forensic medicine experts are rarely exposed to such cases. Explosion injuries produce a distinctive pattern on the body that can help determine the cause of death and reconstruct the crime scene. As such, it is imperative for an autopsy surgeon to be aware of the pattern of bomb blast injuries as well as their mechanisms. In this article, we present autopsy findings of two scrape yard workers who were killed by a bomb blast while breaking scrapes that they received from an army firing range. Furthermore, we have tried to correlate autopsy findings with the circumstances of the blast.  

Keyword :

Bomb blasts, Marshall’s triad, Blast lung
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