Indirect composite inlay restoration: A case report

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Article type :

Case Report

Author :

Linda Maria Jose, Basil Jose, Justline Jose, Kessiya Babu

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

In several deterioration cases , composite competes with amalgams, metallic and ceramic inlays. In relatively small cavities of posterior teeth, utility of direct composite restorations is restricted due to its polymerisation stresses. A much-appreciated alterative to ceramics in posterior teeth is indirect composite. Due to recent technological advancements in composite materials and bonding techniques, its use escalates steadily. Touati and Mormann introduced the first generation of indirect resins composite in early 1980s. Although there is a successful accomplishment in direct composite restoration, the use of composite restoration with indirect or extra-oral method remains ambiguous. In this article, we will inquire into composite systems used at the laboratory for indirect restoration in a clinical ground.  

Keyword :

Indirect Composite Inlay, Grandio SO Inlay System, Voco
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