Kelayakan Media Video Pembelajaran pada Submateri Sistem Endokrin

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Agus Astuti,Ruqiah Ganda Putri Panjaitan,Titin Titin

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The research aimed to determine the feasibility of video as a learning medium in the Endocrine System submaterial in class XI senior high school. The research used descriptive method. The research stages include the stage of compiling the video media content material and the video media validation stage. Validation was carried out by five validators. The research instrument used a validation sheet. The validation sheet assessment used a Likert scale. The aspects that assessed were format, content, and language. Data were analyzed using Lawshe's formula. The validation results showed that the average CVR in the aspect of format, content, and language assessment was greater than the Lawshe minimum limit. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that video media can be used as a learning medium in the Endocrine System submaterial in class XI senior high school.

Keyword :

media eligibility; learning media; tutorial video
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