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Case report

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Abstract :

Given India's regard for its culture and social principles, it's no surprise that it has the lowest divorce rate. But it's even more astonishing to learn that India has the lowest divorce rate of any country on the planet. According to statistics, only one out of every 100 Indian weddings ends in divorce, which is really low when compared to the United States, where 50 percent of marriages result in divorce. In India, the divorce rate was considerably lower in the past decade, with only 7.40 marriages cancelled out of 1,000. In comparison to metropolitan India, the rate of divorce in Indian rural is much lower.Marriage is a sacramental ceremony in Hinduism, not a contract, consequently divorce was not permitted prior to the drafting of the Hindu Marriage Act in 19552 . Men and women are now equally able to seek divorce as a result of the codification of this law. The Hindu Marriage Act 1955 governs Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains; The Divorce Act 18693 governs Christians; The Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act 19364 governs Parsis; The Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act 19395 governs Muslims; and The Special Marriage Act 19546 governs interfaith marriages. According to many recent divorce statistics studies, the divorce rate in the U.s. is approximately 50%, with over half of all weddings ending in divorce. In an international survey of areas with the greatest divorce rates, the United States ranks 12th, with a divorce rate of 49 percent, which is as near to 50 percent as you can go. Despite the fact that numerous sources appear to agree on the country's split rate of marriage and divorce, there is growing controversy concerning the authenticity of the figures. According to some scholars, the 50% figure is simply incorrect and based on faulty math.7The research goal in this paper is to demonstate desertion as a ground of divorce through a case study on Savitri Pandey V. Premchand Pandey.

Keyword :

Divorce, Desertion, Marriage, Cruelty, Animus Deserendi
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