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Article type :

Case report

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Abstract :

In today's world nobody could be trusted even the family members that we consider to be the most trustworthy could not be trusted. A marriage that is considered to be a realistic bond thatis based on sanctity can also be bad sometimes, the relationship between two people can be carried on by both of the people only, it could not be carried on by only one person as in this case a wife alleges the husband with the false accusations and alleges cruelty and desertion on the husband. The cruelty1 has not been defined under anywhere in the Hindu marriage act but if any relation related to the matrimonial cases is there, it is contemplated as a type which creates a feeling of endangerment that will come into the petitioners mind by living with the respondent. The acts which are dangerous to life, health or limb is considered as cruelty. As according to the act cruelty is something done for the purpose of ill-treatment done by one of the spouse to the other and the other spouse has manifested such bad feelings towards him or her and inflicting bodily injury or suffering apprehension of bodily injury or to have suffered mental health. Later it was proved that the wife was herself putting wrongful protects on the husband and the decree of divorce was granted on the grounds of compromise. Also, the plea for filing a case is increased from 30 days to 90 days.

Keyword :

Cruelty, Hindu Marriage Act
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