Design of Hybrid Cryptography System Based on Vigenere Cipher and Polybius Cipher

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Anzar Ahmad Raina ,Saood Rasool Shah ,Mehwar Raj ,Waqqas Manzoor

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Cryptography is gotten from a Greek word that suggests the specialty of guaranteeing information by transforming it into a tangled association and unintelligible organization. It is a blend of math and computer programming. The explosive development of the internet has made an extended knowledge of interest vulnerability issues. Even though security is the action stressed over the web, various applications have been made and organized, disregarding principal objections of information security: secrecy, validation, and insurance. As our step-by-step practices become progressively more subject to information organizations, the meaning of comprehension of such security issues and inconvenience will likewise increment. Cryptography is required to prevent a few unwanted clients or people from acquiring induction to the information. This paper presents another half-breed security figure by joining the two most significant Ciphers, Polybius Cipher and Vigenére Cipher. This half and half encryption figure give more noteworthy security than exemplary codes. Index Terms—Encryption, Cryptography, Polybius Ciphers, Vigenére Ciphers.

Keyword :

Encryption, Cryptography, Polybius Ciphers, Vigenére Ciphers.
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