Some Ethnoveterinary Medicinal Plants used among Tribals of Satpura range Burhanpur of M.P., India.

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Zahid Hasan Jafri,Shakun Mishra

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The present exploration encompasses in-depth investigation on Ethnobotanical plants used as Ethno-veterinary medicine in the district of Burhanpur M.P., India. The present exploration revealed that 45 ethno-veterinary medicinal plants belonging to 43 genera under 29 families are used by tribals of Satpura range of Burhanpur district. Authors found that they are habitual to use plant parts in different formulations, leaves are predominantly used, followed by fruits, roots/ rhizomes, stem and bark.

Keyword :

Burhanpur, Ethno-veterinary, Medicinal Plants, Satpura forest range.
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