Impact of Climate change on Aquatic Ecosystem and its Biodiversity: An overview.

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Article type :

Review article

Author :

Sadguru Prakash

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Climate change results from the increase in the greenhouse gas emission in the atmosphere and this comes as a consequence of various anthropogenic activities. The dissolution of CO , which has 2 the largest share among the greenhouse gases in terms of contribution in global warming, threatening the continuation of life on earth. Changing climate is of vital importance because of major impacts by influencing water resources and agricultural economy. Climate change stresses exert complex pressure on aquatic biodiversity and natural aquatic resources. Water temperature change may alter the metabolism and physiology of aquatic animals thereby affecting the growth, fecundity, feeding behavior, distribution, migration and abundance of fish as well as other aquatic animals.

Keyword :

Aquatic biodiversity, Aquatic ecosystem, Climate change, Fishes.
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