Performance of wheat and mustard in agroforestry system under terai conditions of U.P., India

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Original article

Author :

Afreen Mohsin,Faiz Mohsin

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Abstract :

A large area is available in the form of boundaries, bunds, block plantations, wastelands where this system can be adopted. Poplar and Eucalyptus are suitable and promising agroforestry tree species, which is planted cropping system. In this particular study, Economical aspects and viability of wheat and Mustard have been studied. Trees intercropped with crops attained better growth and higher litter. In the study of nutrients (NPK) it is reviewed that all the three nutrients increase as the age of trees increases. All the nutrients increases as the tree age are increased. It is clearly seen after the whole research work done, nutrients in the soil are high insole plantation of trees. The yield of intercrops is low in the fields which are cultivated along with trees. The height of intercrops is higher under Poplar than intercrops under Eucalyptus. This might be due to the leaf pattern and its canopy shade. No significant results were obtained for tillers per plant and effective tillers per plant in wheat, however, more tillers were found in pure cropping. In Mustard primary branches per plant and seeds per siliqua were at par under Eucalyptus, Poplar, and pure cropping. Yield parameters such as secondary branches per plant, siliqua per plant, and test weight were significantly higher in pure cropping. The grain and straw/stover yields of both the crops under Eucalyptus and Poplar decreased significantly as compared to open fields (crops without Eucalyptus and Poplar). Net returns from a crop grown with Eucalyptus, & Poplar and sole cropping revealed that maximum income (Rs.82819.00/ha) was recorded in pure cropping (monoculture) of wheat, whereas net returns from Mustard grown Eucalyptus, Poplar and sole cropping revealed that maximum income (Rs.67275.00/ha) and whereas negative net returns of Rs.3943.47/ha (under 4years Eucalyptus) and also negative net returns Rs. 8731.00/ha (under 5 years Poplar) was recorded in Mustard oil.

Keyword :

Wheat, Mustard, Populus, Eucalyptus and Intercropping.
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