Biology study of white grub Holotrichianagpurensis(Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)

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Original article

Author :

Seema Rani,Riazuddin ,Rinni Saharwat,Manish Kumar Sharma ,Jagpal Singh

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Biology of polyphagous insect pest Holotrichianagpurensis was studies in laboratory during 2019-2020. H. nagpurensis beetles (all types mated, unmated, male and female) were collected by using Light traps (fitted with 6-8 watts mercury tube Light; ACTINIC BL, PHILIPS) placed nearby host Neem trees, Azadirachta indica, Guava, Psidium guajava, Bakayan, Melia azedarach, in evening time from 7:45 to 9: 45 pm in the moths of June-July from Noorpurvillage in Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh, India (28.7444° N, 77.5526° E) and identified by National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru, Indian Council of Agricultural Research. All collected beetles kept individually in 1 liter capacity containers with moist soil. The mated female laid eggs an average of 29.800±3.247 eggs singly at a depth of 5-10 cm in the moist soil. The incubation period of the eggs was 12.960±0.501 days. 1st instars lasted 17.660±0.510 days; subsequent 2nd and3rdinstars were lasted for 35.140±0.530 and 86.120±0.800 days, respectively. The pupal period was recorded about 25.860±0.515 days and adult longevity was observed 101.860±3.575 days. Total life cycle recorded 277.960±3.371 days with 59.840±4.676 % survival and 0.518±0.039, 3.548±0.080 and 0.368±0.026 larval growth index, pupal growth index and developmental index respectively. All grubs feed on live maize roots in controlled conditions up to pupation. The simple methodology for rearing of root grubs on live maize roots under laboratory conditions was attempted and life cycle of H. nagpurensiswas studied successfully.

Keyword :

Holotrichianagpurensis, biology, white grub, maize.
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