Anti-inflammatory drugs prescription in the department of endodontics, university hospital centre of cocody, Abidjan

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Akpé J Adou, Jean N’Dré, Gnaba S Mobio, Wilfries GS Sika

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Background: Inflammation is the body’s common defense and adjustment process from any tissue attack. Administering anti-inflammatory drug may help define inflammatory responses. In endodontics they are increasingly administered topically and/or systemically. Aim: The objective of this study was to assess anti-inflammatory drug prescription patterns in endodontics at the University Hospital Center (UHC) of Cocody Abidjan. Materials and Methods: A descriptive retrospective study was carried out, analyzing 100 medical records of patients who had been at the department of Endodontic between January 2015 and December 2017. Results: Systemically and/or topically anti-inflammatory drugs had been prescribed in 71% of cases following initial treatment, particularly in cases of acute pulpitis (35.20%). Moreover, although the obturation apical limits were normal and regardless of the quality of the filling, these prescriptions were still given (45%), and Ibuprofen was the most prescribed anti-inflammatory (51.70%). Conclusion: Prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs in endodontics is essential for defining inflammatory phenomena. However, it must be proper and controlled at the University Hospital of Cocody, Abidjan.

Keyword :

 Endodontics, Antiinflammatory drugs, Abidjan.
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