Abstract :
In the present age of World Wide Web, we are linked globally. As we are moving towards the modern era, the knowledge and information is growing in each and every field by the help of electronic sources. In the present scenario, electronics resources are playing an important role and providing unusual/surprising information which can be stored in an electronic device for further usage. Nowadays, online books, online journals and other electronic databases are expanding swiftly, almost in all fields of research and development. These electronic resources deliver functional bunch of information via multimedia tools in short time and space. The aim to write this paper is to educate about the e-resources, available in the world wide in medical and healthcare sector with emphasis over the categories of e-resources, its density, advantages, disadvantages, medical open source (free) subscription base and its components.
Keyword :
Bibliographical, e-book, e-journal, open access, search engines, web resources.