A Study on Application of Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SFCL) in Smart Grid

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Sohorab Hossain ,Sujit Dhar ,Dr. Sourish Sanyal ,Dr. Swapan Sarkar ,Amaranth Sanyal

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

A fluorescent lamp needs a choke coil which plays role during starting and also as a ballast during normal operation. A fluorescent lamp has high luminous efficiency compared to filament lamps. This is partially offset by the losses occurring in the choke coil. Therefore the choke coil should be designed for minimum possible losses with a look to economic efficiency. Though electronic chokes have appeared recently and they are outpacing older versions due to their various advantages, their life-span is short and they eject objectionable electromagnetic noise. Under the circumstances the economy of the older versions should once again be checked. Though Al-chokes are cheaper, their performance is poor. As such, the copper chokes are better.

Keyword :

Fluorescent Tube, Choke Coil, Economic Efficiency, Optimal Design, Starter, Ballast.
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