Efficient formulation and evaluation of flurbiprofen transdermal gel compared with marketed gel by using water soluble polyacrylamide polymer

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High molecular weights water soluble homopolymer type of acrylamide was reported to obtain very high viscosity in low concentration, transparency, film forming properties and useful in formation of transdermal gel. The flurfibrofen gels were prepared by using different concentration of polyacrylamide for topical drug delivery with an aim to gradually increase transparency and spreadability. These preparations were further compared with marketed known flurbiprofen gel. Spreadability and consistency of polyacrylamide gel containing flurbiprofen gel (S9) were 6.5g.cm/sec and 5mm as compared to 5.5g.cm/sec and 10mm respectively of known marketed gel, indicating good spreadability nature and consistency of the prepared gel (S9). The transparency nature of prepared batch (S9) was good as compared to the known marketed gel. The percent drug release was 97.85 and 98.84 from S9 and known marketed gel respectively. No irritation was felt in the skin irritation test. Stability studies conducting under accelerated condition were shown satisfactory results. It can be concluded that polyacrylamide gel containing flurbiprofen gel showed good consistency, spreadability, homogeneity and stability and had wider prospect for topical preparations.
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