Live Longer, Stay healthy, Feel better with Astashinecapsules

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Abstract :

ASTASHINE capsule contains natural astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis Astaxanthin has exceptional antioxidant activity to combat singlet oxygen when compared to other antioxidants. In particular, Astaxanthin can be used to defend against singlet oxygen damage, which are especially susceptible to aging effects. In this study, Astaxanthin extracted from Haematococcus microalgae powerfully quenched singlet oxygen. Results show that the quenching effect of Astaxanthin is 800 times greater than coenzyme Q10. Astaxanthin was also about 75 times greater than alpha lipoic acid, about 550 times greater than green tea catechins and about 6000 times greater than Vitamin C.the present Article reviews the role of ASTASHINE capsules as World’s most powerful Antioxidant and Anti-aging Nutrient.
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