Fast Performance Computing Model for Smart Distributed Power Systems

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Umair Younas

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Abstract :

Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) are becoming the more prominent solution compared to fossil fuels cars technology due to its significant role in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction, flexible storage, and ancillary service provision as a Distributed Generation (DG) resource in Vehicle to Grid (V2G) regulation mode. However, large-scale penetration of PEVs and growing demand of energy intensive Data Centers (DCs) brings undesirable higher load peaks in electricity demand hence, impose supply-demand imbalance and threaten the reliability of wholesale and retail power market. In order to overcome the aforementioned challenges, the proposed research considers smart Distributed Power System (DPS) comprising conventional sources, renewable energy, V2G regulation, and flexible storage energy resources. Moreover, price and incentive based Demand Response (DR) programs are implemented to sustain the balance between net demand and available generating resources in the DPS. In addition, we adapted a novel strategy to implement the computational intensive jobs of the proposed DPS model including incoming load profiles, V2G regulation, battery State of Charge (SOC) indication, and fast computation in decision based automated DR algorithm using Fast Performance Computing resources of DCs. In response, DPS provide economical and stable power to DCs under strict power quality constraints. Finally, the improved results are verified using case study of ISO California integrated with hybrid generation.

Keyword :

Smart Distributed Power System, Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs), Demand Response (DR), Data Centers, Renewable Energy
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