The third world war: man versus drug resistant virus and bacteria.

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Abstract :

Unlimited commercial production of antibiotics and their ever increasing use in our day to day life has led to the evolution of a class of organism known as multi-drug resistance organisms (MDRO). Multi drug resistance (MDR) is a condition in which a particular disease causing microorganism (virus, bacteria, fungi and parasites) becomes resistant to antimicrobials (antivirals, antibiotics or antimicrobics). The present Chapter will focus on the cause and mechanism of MDR in bacteria and their prevention, if any, such as combination antibiotic therapy. These bacteria range from urgent threat level such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae to serious threat level such as Streptococcus pneumonia and also includes microorganism with a concerning threat level such as Group A Streptococcus. The discussion also includes MDR in viruses (such as Hepatitis B) and their prevention, if any.
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