Panchakarma management of Abhighataja Pakshaghata (Traumatic Hemiplegia) - A case study

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

Sabari Sengupta ,Anup B Thakar

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Abstract :

An 18 years old boy faced severe head injury on the left side after falling down from terrace about 10 feet height on the day of ‘Kite festival’ followed by severe brain haemorrhage with unconsciousness and admitted in Trauma care centre. He underwent brain operation on left frontotemporal - parietal region. After 26 days, the boy came to Panchakarma OPD at IPGT&RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, along with his parents with presenting complaints of right sided Pakshaghata (Hemiplegia) and Vakastambha (Aphasia). The case was clinically diagnosed as Post Traumatic Hemiplegia. In Ayurvedic classics it is mentioned as Abhighataja Pakshaghata and also mentioned as Nanatmaja Vataja Vikara . According to modern medical terminology Abhighataja Pakshaghata can be compared with Traumatic Hemiplegia. Initial treatment was started with Jihwa Pratisarana followed by classical Panchakarma treatment. Neurological assessment was done before and after treatment by Neurological Examination Form / NAVC Clinician’s Brief/ December 2010. After 3 months the boy speaks normally, walks normally and can move his hand without any support. This case re port showed that Snehana ( Bahya & Abhyantara ), Swedana , Mridu Virechana Karma , Anuvasana Basti and Nasapana are most effective Panchakarma treatment in Abhighataja Pakshaghata.

Keyword :

Ayurveda, Abhighataja Pakshaghata, Hemiplegia, Panchakarma
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