Management of Vandhya with Kaphaja Yonivyapat by Yonidhavan (Vaginal dousching) and oral Adjuvant Ayurveda medicines - A Case Report

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

Mayura Devadiga ,Shubhangi Badole 2

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Vandhyata (Infertility) is a stressful condition that forces the couple to wander, seeking for successful medical management. The causes behind the condition are many and hence it is crucial to identify the actual underlying reason and its management to achieve conc eption. In the present case a 28years woman with 2.5years of married life, came with complaints of primary infertility. She was suffering from recurrent whitish to yellowish (sometimes) vaginal discharge associated with itching and getting relief after tak ing the treatment. Male factor evaluation revealed normalcy. We started with Ayurvedic medicines along with triphala kwatha (decoction of Triphala) yonidhavan (vaginal dousching) for 8 days followed by oral Ayurvedic medicines to support conception. Followi ng this course, the patient conceived in the same cycle. Initial USG revealed Single Intra - UterineGestationof 5weeks and 6days but without cardiac activity. Ayurvedic management was continued further and the USG after 10 days showed fetus of 7weeks 3 days with cardiac activity. Presently the patient completed 7 months of pregnancy. As per Ayurveda, the Yonivyapats (diseases of female genital tract) when not treated properly results in vandhyata Thus the present case shows that after appropriate Ayurvedic treatment of the underlying kaphajayonivyapat (Kapha dominant vaginal condition) , she conceived successfully

Keyword :

Ayurveda, Infertility, Kaphajayonivyapat, Vaginitis, Vandhyata, Yonidhavan
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