Chronic psoriasis ( Ek Kushtha ) treated with Shodhana and Shamana Treatment: A Single Case Study

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

Dipali Parekh ,Sarika Makwana ,B . J . Patgiri

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Psoriasis is fundamentally an inflammatory skin condition with reactive abnormal epidermal differentiation and hyper proliferation affecting 2 - 3 % of worl d’s population. Psoriasis is a common, chronic, non - communicable skin disease, with no clear cause or cure. The negative impact of this condition on people’s lives can be immense. Treatment of psoriasis is still based on controlling the symptoms. Topical and systemic the rapies as well as phototherapy are available. In practice, a combination of these methods is often used. The need for treatment is usually lifelong and is aimed at remission. So far, there is no therapy that would give hope for a complete cure of psoriasis . So that is need of time to find out proper treatment for psoriasis. Traditional medicines may be alternative of these unsatisfactory and harmful approaches and may provide some safe, easier, less complicating, cost effective and fruitful natural remedies for the disease

Keyword :

Ayurveda, Eka kushtha , Psoriasis, Virechana , Trivruta Avaleha .
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