Effect of El - Vireka , Mudgadi Kashaya and Triphala Udvartana in Athisthaulya (Obesity) - A case study

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

A.M.S.L. Chandrasiri

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Ayurveda mentions Athisthaulya under Ashtaninditha Purusha (eight undesirable conditions). It arises due to vitiation of Kapha Dosha, Va ta Dosha and Medo Dhathu . Athisthaulya can be correlated with obesity, the chronic, highly prevalent abnormal metabolic condition affecting millions of lives. Therefore, it was decided to observe the effect of Virechana Karma followed by oral administration of Mudgadi Kashaya and external application of Triphala Udvartana, on Athisthaulya. Virechana Karma was conducted by using El - Vireka . After Virechana Karma , patient was made to follow Sansarjana Krama for three consequent d ays. From fourth day to thirty - third day, the patient was treated with Mudgadi Kashaya orally and with Triphala Udvartana externally. After Virechana Karma , some of the symptoms were partially relieved. After completion of the entire treatment, complete re lief was observed in symptoms such as Kshudra Swasa , excessive Abhyavarana Shakthi , Ati Pipasa , Daurbalya and Swedadhikya and other symptoms were partially relieved. Virechana Karma eliminates vitiated Pitta and Vata Dosha . Hence, Virechana Karma is effec tive in treatment of Athisthaulya . Ingredients of Mudgadi Kashaya and Triphala Choorna pacify vitiated Vata and Kapha Dosha and reduce Medo Dhathu . Hence these treatments are effective in treatment of Athisthaulya. It was concluded that conducting Virechan a Karma using El - Vireka followed by internal application of Mudgadi Kashaya and external application of Triphala Udvartana is beneficial in treatment of Athisthaulya .

Keyword :

Athisthaulya , El - Vireka , Mudgadi Kashaya , Obesity, Triphala Udvartana , Virechana Karma ,
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