Leadership Training for Nursing Professionals in India: A Workshop Evaluation

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Surabhi Sethi

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Introduction: Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare system, and an attempt can be made to improve the quality of care if every individual is empowered with leadership skills. While several leadership workshops and seminars have been conducted to sensitize doctors in India, there have hardly been any for nurses. A two-day workshop for orientation on leadership for nurses was conducted using multimedia presentations, talks by accomplished speakers and activities like role plays. Objective: The current study was undertaken to determine the impact of the workshop on the self-reported competence of nurses; with a secondary objective of evaluating the workshop and suggesting modifications for the future. Methodology: A pre- and post-workshop questionnaire (Crohnbach’s alpha: 0.874) was used to assess the impact of the workshop in self-reported competence. Self-administered structured questionnaires were used to evaluate the relevance of each session and suggestions for improvement. Paired t-test was used to assess difference in pre- and postworkshop competence. Weighted scores were used to rank sessions, and responses of qualitative data were grouped in suitable themes. Results: A total of 29 nurses participated in the workshop. There was a significant rise in knowledge in all the domains of the competence (p-value

Keyword :

Training evaluation, Communication, Conflict management, Emotional web, Team theory.

Doi :

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