Youth Friends

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Archana Sarkar

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The thrust on young people and their health needs is visible in India, which is reflected in the national policies and programs. Although under the National Rural Health Mission and Reproductive and Child Health Program, Government has undertaken establishing adolescent friendly health services and training of health service providers on Adolescent’s Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH) guidelines so as to address the Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) needs of young people. However, so far, only few initiatives have been made in this direction and in most of the health centers, these services are yet to be rolled out on a scale of primary health care. MAMTA had established a Youth Friendly Center named as Friends’ Clinic in the resettlement colony at Tigri in New Delhi (2006) to address the SRH needs of youth in this area. This article describes the Friends’ Clinic and its experiences, service utilization by youths and perspectives, expectations of young people presenting to doctors/counselors to inform the development of youth friendly services. A longitudinal follow-up data of youth participants who utilized the clinic services was used in this article. A total of 1264 clients visited the clinic; most of them visited the clinic more than once, totaling up to 3591 visits in the clinic for service utilization. Majority of them were for treatment services regarding their general/SRH problems; only a few for both treatment and counseling and very few for only counseling services. The qualitative data indicated that youth considered that the services provided in the Friends’ clinic were satisfactory and most importantly, their confidentiality of problems and services availed were well maintained. There is a need for improvising strategies to increase outreach activities for improving uptake of counseling services among the clients, which can help in addressing most of the myths and perceptions regarding SRH/STI/HIV/unplanned pregnancies and contraception use among the adolescents and young people. This article shows that setting-up of special clinic for adolescents in the public health centers would help in addressing the adolescents SRH service needs.

Keyword :

Adolescents, Youth Friendly Health Clinic, counseling, treatment, sexual and reproductive health.

Doi :

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