Hypopigmented Hair, Severe Malaria and Immunedificiancy

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

Joydeep Das*, Jyoti Kiran*, Suman Mondal*,Swapan Sinha**, Balram Gupta***

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Disorders of hypopigmentation and immune deficiency are rarely seen . We report here a case of severe malaria with hypopigmented hair and immunodeficiency in four and half year old female child.her hemoglobin was 4.5 gm% ,absolute neutrophil count less than 1000with plasmodium vivax on peripheral smear. S he also had recurrent admission and treatment for pneumonia.Her immunoglobulins showed low IgM and IgG. Hair microscopy showed heterogenous clumps of chromatinmore in cortex.There was no evidence of HLH.

Keyword :

case reports, immunedefiancy, hypopigmented hair, chromatin clumps.
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