Obtaining of Geranium sanguineum phytoextracts and study of their anti-microbial properties

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Abstract :

Introduction: Along with the use of the latest pharmaceutical agents, the healing properties of medicinal plants, Geranium sanguineum one of them, are more and more widely used in medical research and practice. The presence of tannins in the plant causes its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. This herb infusion in the form of rinsing proves a positive effect in cases of inflammations of mucous membrane of upper respiratory tract. Decoction of rhizomes and roots was used in traditional medicine as well as in dermatology as an antitumor agent. Therefore, the aim of our research was to develop optimal conditions for obtaining lyophilized phytocomplexes out of G. sanguineum herb for further study of their biological properties. Materials and Methods: The G. sanguineum herb was stored as raw material; the extracts were obtained out of it. By changing the main parameters (degree of shredding, extraction solvent, extraction time, ratio of herbal raw material mass and extraction solvent amount, and multiplicity of extractions), the content of the main groups of active substances was determined. Tannins assay was carried out by permanganametometric titration and the amount of polyphenolic compounds, hydroxycinnamic acids, and flavonoids - by means of spectrophotometric methods. The study of antibacterial and antifungal activity of the extract was performed by double serial dilutions in a liquid nutrient medium. Results and Discussion: It was established that the optimal degree of G. sanguineum herb grinding was 0.5–1.0 mm, and the best extraction solvents were ethyl alcohol of 50% concentration and purified water. The completeness of biologically active substances obtaining out of the investigated raw materials was most often succeeded by purifying water for 45 min and 50% ethanol - for 30 min. The ratio between raw material and extraction solvent was 1:30 (extraction solvent - 50% ethyl alcohol) and 1:15 (extraction solvent - purified water). The optimal multiplicity of extraction for aqueous extractors is triple, and for aqueous and alcohol extractors, a double extraction was enough. Conclusion: The obtained extracts of G. sanguineum herb have antibacterial and antifungal properties and can be used for the development of new drugs for prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of different etiologies.

Keyword :

Key words: Antimicrobial action, biologically active substances, extraction, Geranium sanguineum, phytosubstance
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