Quality of goat milk

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Article type :

Review Article

Author :

D.M. Choudhari, V.S. Kadam and J.N. Khedkar

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Goat milk has unique qualities over that milk of other livestock. It is having nearest to milk of other livestock. It is having nearest to human milk in its contents of fat, protein and serves as a good source of minerals, which makes it a complete food for the infant. Goat milk, like any other milk from other animal sources, is a complex mixture (Ohiokpehai, 2003). Also, the basic nutrient composition of goat milk resembles with that of cow and human milk. The gross composition of goat milk is higher than that in bovine milk, except for lactose, which is low.

Keyword :

Milk, Goat, Protein, Fat, Minerals, Vitamins, importance
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