Trends and export competitiveness of major horticulture crops in India

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Ranjan Aneja

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The present paper is an attempt to analyze the trends in performance of major horticulture crops in India, state wise performance of horticulture development and to measure the export competitiveness of fruits and vegetables. For the purpose the revealed comparative advantage method has been used in the study. The study finds that Fruits and vegetables are prominent in the horticulture. Further the study revels that India is not having any revealed comparative advantage in exports of fruits of vegetables except the mosambi, grapes, mango in fruits and onions in vegetables. The study suggest that there is an immediate need to integrate the production, marketing and processing processes of the produce to get maximum benefits from horticulture crops cultivation.

Keyword :

Horticulture, Export competitiveness, Crop diversification, Fruits, vegetables
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