Original article article list

Knowledge of soil test recommendations by the orange growers

Author details : A.R. Lothe, A.N. Deshmukh, S.N. Gawande and N.B. Lothe

Role of front line demonstration on transfer of moth bean production technologies in Barmer district of Rajasthan

Author details : Shayam Das, P. Pagaria, B.R. Morwal, Sita Ram Bana and Manpreet Singh

Study of situational aspects of the farmers in lower Shivalik hills

Author details : Priyanka Kandwal and V.K. Rampal

A study on social intelligence among emerging adults

Author details : V.S. Nayak and V.S. Yadav

Adoption of orange root stock by orange nursery growers

Author details : S.P. Kharpe, S.U. Mokhale, N.J. Chikhale and M.S. Naware

Difficulties faced by the members about working of the self-helf groups

Author details : Rupatai D. Kadte, S.U. Mokhale, D.G. Padekar and V.K. Dere

Knowledge of information and communication technology tools by orange growers

Author details : N.N. Dhote, S.U. Mokhale, S.S. Kadam and B.P. Bind

Farm women decision making in integrated activities of Barmer district of Rajasthan

Author details : Sonali Sharma, Pradeep Pagaria, S. Das, B.R. Morwal, Hans Raj Sain and S.R. Bana

Knowledge of weedicides used in Kharif season by the farmers in Amravati district

Author details : V.R. Dhande, A.N. Deshmukh, S.N. Gawande and S.V. Wakale

Study of psychological characteristics of farmers in lower Shivalik hills

Author details : Priyanka Kandwal and V.K. Rampal

Aspiration of students attending agriculture as vocational subject in higher secondary school in Amravati

Author details : B.P. Bind, S.U. Mokhale, N.N. Dhote and S.M. Sarap

MGNREGA – Impact and constraints in Mon district, Nagaland

Author details : Tiajungla Longchar, K.K. Jha and J. Longkumer

Agri-preneurship development through gerbera cultivation

Author details : Jayprakash H. Gaikwad

Farmers knowledge of IPM practices in cabbage

Author details : D. Girish and S.V. Halakatti

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