Under Evaluation
Starting Year: 2024
Subject: Medical sciences
“ISRG Journal of Clinical Medicine and Medical Research [ISRGJCMMR]” Abbreviated Key Title: ISRG. J.Clinic.Medici.Medica.Res. ISSN : 3048-8850 (Online) Open Access is peer reviewed, Bimonthly international Journal with 6 issues per year. Published By ISRG Publishers, India. This Journal publishes Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Studies, Editorial Comments and other scientific studies within all the fields of Clinical Medicine and Medical Research
Scope of the Journal
Alternative ,Basic Science, Bioinformatics in Clinical Cancer Research, Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis, Clinical Research, Complementary Medicine, Epidemiology, Evidence-based medicine, Genomics, Healthcare research, History of Medicine, Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Medicine, Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders, Non-Clinical Aspects of Medicine & Science., Nursing, Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, Pediatric and Geriatric Emergency Care, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Physiotherapy, Preventive Medicine, Proteomics, Rehabilitation Medicine, The Art of Medicine, Therapy of Internal Medicine Diseases, Translational Medicine, Traumatology and Precise Surgical Techniques, Women’s Health