The Bryophyte Flora ofBafra District(Samsun)

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Muhammet ÖREN

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

In this study, it was aimed to determine the bryophyteflora of Bafra district of Samsun province.Four hundred and seventy-sixbryophyte samples were collected from forty different localities from 2014 to 2015. With the identification of samples, 165 specificand infraspecifictaxa belonging to 51 families and 104genera were identified, 32 of them were from the liverworts(Marchantiophyta) and 133of them werefrom the mosses (Bryophyta).None of the hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) samples were observed in the research area.While Pottiaceae (25), Brachytheciaceae (24), Mniaceae (10), Orthotrichaceae (10) andAmblystegiaceae (9)were had rich taxa number for moss families, Lophocoleaceae (4),Jungermanniaceae (3), Marchantiaceae (3) andPorellaceae (3) for liverworts families.As the richest genera are Orthotrichum(10), Plagiomnium(6), Hypnum(6) ve Fissidens(5) for mosses, Marchantia(3), Lophocolea(3) and Porella(3) for liverworts. According to the literature, 19taxa were found to be new for the A3 square according to the Henderson 1961 grid system.

Keyword :

Bryophyte, Flora, Bafra, Samsun, Turkey
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