Determination of Antibacterial Activities of Sphagnum centrale C.E.O. Jensen and S.nemoreum Scop. Which are Naturally Growing in Turkey

Article type :

Original article

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Abstract :

Last two decades, a very large group of organisms,including flowering plants, non-flowering plant groups, fungi, algae,and cyanobacteria have been researched medically, the effects of these organisms against pathogenic microorganisms have been examined and remarkable results have been obtained. The bryophytes that constitute our research topic are the second largest group of the plant represented by approximately 1030 taxa in our country. Especially in recent years, besides the systematic studies, there is a significant increase in the studies carried out on phytosociology, ecology, molecular taxonomy,and medicinal properties. It has been found that extracts prepared from bryophytes are antimicrobial effective against some Gram (-) and Gram (+) bacteria species. Therefore, the antimicrobial effect of two different mosses belonging to the genus Sphagnum(Sphagnopsida) which are S.centraleand S.nemoreumon various Gram (-) and Gram (+) bacteria were investigated. The effect of different extracts obtained from two Sphagnumspecies on these organisms was checked by selecting the bacteria which are important forfood safety and clinically important groups. It was determined that extracts obtained from both mosses were effective on Listeriamonocytogenesand L. innocuastrains, while Sphagnum nemoreumextracts were also effective on Staphylococcus aureus.

Keyword :

Antibacterial activity, Bryophyttes,Sphagnum centrale, Sphagnum nemoreum, Turkey
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