Anesthetic management in a rare case of clark-baraitser syndrome: Insights and challenges

Article type :

Case Report

Author :

Madhu Madhu*, Teena Bansal, Nisha Yadav

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Clark Baraitser syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder characterized by multiple congenital anomalies and distinctive facial features. These features, including a high arched palate, can complicate airway management. Anaesthetizing an intellectually disabled patient is a challenging task due to lack of communication and understanding, which makes perioperative evaluation difficult. The perioperative management of antiepileptic drug therapy is important for seizure control in these patients. This case report describes the anaesthetic management of 10-year-old child with Clark Baraitser syndrome with bilateral undescended testis posted for orchiopexy.  

Keyword :

Clark baraitser syndrome, High arch palate, Hypotonia, Seizures.