Time Journal Of Arts And Educational Research

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Publisher :
Time Journals
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Journal Description

Time Journal of Arts and Educational Research (TJAER) where we bring the highest quality research to the widest possible audience as well as provide authors with excellent level of services, including licenses which allow their research works to be as widely disseminated as possible.

Our products and services are designed to address the needs of individual researchers and research institutions alike. With a team of high profile and experienced editorial board members, we are strongly positioned to delivering exceptional services to the international community. We recognize the significance of researchers to our business and we are committed to treating them fairly and courteously.

TJAER maintains a culture of excellence, and goes to great lengths to ensuring that researchers are satisfied at all times. Our values are hinged upon professionalism, integrity and superior service delivery. We are a team driven to deliver the utmost in customer service. We are synonymous with innovation, building excellence and superior digital publishing. A fundamental element of our scholarly mission is to publish manuscripts of the highest quality, which would be demonstrated by their impact factor rankings

Journal title :
Time Journal Of Arts And Educational Research
Printed version :
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Access :
Open Access

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